Chcielibyśmy zapewnić szerszą społeczność reklamową, że nieustannie pracujemy dla naszych klientów. Na szczęście nasza rzeczywistość tutaj się nie zmieniła. Mamy warunki i środki do działania. Obecnie Polska jest krajem bezpiecznym, w tym dla wszelkiego rodzaju działalności gospodarczej, dlatego prosimy o nieustanne wsparcie. Już niedługo przemysł produkcyjny w Polsce przyjmie setki ukraińskich pracowników, jeśli nie więcej. Prosimy o nieustanną solidarność w celu zapewnienia im pracy i bezpieczeństwa finansowego – czytamy w poniższym liście wypowiedź Kacpra Sawickiego, prezesa Papaya Films.
W odpowiedzi, szef APA zapewnił:
Zobacz również
[…] Wierzę, że nasi członkowie rozumieją, że Polska jest bezpiecznym miejscem pracy i że działając na polskim rynku, wspierają polskie firmy zatrudniające ukraińskich specjalistów branży reklamowej […].
Treść listu przesłanego przez Dariusza Andriana, prezesa SKM SAR do Steve’a Daviesa, chief executive Advertising Producers Association w języku angielskim:
Dear APA members,
#PolecajkiNM cz. 32: czego szukaliśmy w Google’u, Kryzysometr 2024/25, rynek dóbr luksusowych w Polsce
the last weeks have been an unprecedented time in the last thirty years of our continent’s history. It has been a trying time, a time of responsibility and involvement for us Poles, and for you – For everyone in Europe.
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Over a period of two weeks Poland has accepted over 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens onto its territory. An exodus on such a scale and in such short a time has never happened in Europe’s post-war history and we are managing it beautifully. Millions of Poles have opened their hearts, homes and purses in a gesture of solidarity, empathy and work for European security.
In the media you are currently seeing our country as a stage for meetings of high-level representatives of world politics, presidents, prime ministers and ministers. This is because we are the closest SAFE territory in the neighbourhood of the conflict.
– We would like to reassure the wider advertising community that we are continually working for our clients. Thankfully our reality here has not changed. We have the conditions and resources to act. Currently Poland is a safe country, and this includes for any kind of business activity so we ask for your continued support. Soon the production industry in Poland will accept hundreds of Ukrainian workers, if not more. We ask for your continued solidarity in order to provide them with work and financial security – says Kacper Sawicki, CEO of Papaya Films, the largest production company in Poland.
This is why its so important to continue your cooperation with your partners in Poland. According to all sources and analysis, as well as real-life experience, travelling to and staying in our country does not entail any risk. Should the situation change, we will keep you informed. Meanwhile all film productions carry on as normal, both here in Poland and further afield. Please stay with us, for all of us here and for our friends from Ukraine.
Poland has been a member of NATO for 23 years. For 18 years we have been a member of the European Union. Both of these institutions are guarantors of security. In recent days leaders of these two organisations, as well as world and European leaders, have been emphatically stressing the integrity and inviolability of the borders of NATO and EU Member States.
We thank you for everything you are doing as a community, to help the people of Ukraine, and in supporting us to help them on the ground, during this difficult time.
All the best,
Dariusz Andrian, President SKM SAR